About me

LYM is Larissa Yamazaki Murakami.

Larissa is an artist and a lawyer.

Larissa spent her childhood living in Italy, Germany and the United States. For her, art began with Gubele, a papier-mâché dinosaur she created as a child, and continued into high school where her work was exhibited at a local art gallery for emerging artists. Although Larissa’s passion was temporarily shelved in favor of heavy law tomes, she reconnected with the creativity and energy which drives her art. Larissa believes that art should be passionate, personal and the result of a process that means something.

To round out the sensory experience, Larissa enjoys hiking the mountains near her home, traveling to places old and new and consuming local fare.

Being both a dreamer and a realist, but ever the optimist, she dedicates herself to understanding and engaging in philanthropic work related to social justice issues. From grassroot efforts to working in a courthouse, Larissa takes pride in building her career as an artist and a lawyer and in pausing to appreciate the people and moments that continue to shape her life.


"art that is passionate, personal and the result of a process that means something."