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gubele {store} will be hatching soon!


We are working very hard to get this place up and running…

please come back soon!

2 thoughts on “gubele {store} will be hatching soon!

  1. I love your hippo being carried by a ballon. Any way those will be turned into a card set or poster?

    1. Hi Olivia! I’m glad you like the Pippo series! I’m hoping to get a better idea of which one(s) people like before making them into cards or posters, but I am hoping to make at least one of them available as a card/poster in a month or two. Please let me know if there’s a particular one you like! If you see something that you like the best way to let me (& others know) is by commenting on the picture on my Facebook page or Instagram page–I release sneak peak pics on those two platforms.

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